Microsoft Office Outlook 2007/2010


  1. Your computer must be connected to the internet first.
  2. Go to Control Panel and click Mail icon then select E-mail Accounts…


  1. In the Account Settings screen, under E-mail tab, click New…


  1. You will see Outlook startup wizard, click Next.


  1. Next step is “Account Configuration”, keep Yes selected and click Next.


  1. Fill in the new email account details as follows and click Next


  1. Outlook will start configuring your account and you will get the following message box, select “Don’t ask me about this website again” and click Allow.


  1. Outlook also will ask you again to enter username and password, fill them in and click OK.


  1. Finally, you should get the following screen telling you that your email account is successfully configured, click Finish.


  1. Now you completed HSC email setup on you computer, and you must be able to send and receive emails using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007/2010.